With studio sessions I provide an individual programme for each client (either 1-2-1, or 2-2-1).  A post​ural assessment is carried out, and the programme takes into account injuries and any muscle inbalance the client may have.

Studio sessions utilise the Reformer, the Vertical Frame and the Stability Chair together with the use of the Stability Ball, Flex-Band® and Fitness Circle®. The equipment will allow you to attempt exercises that may not be possible in the matwork class, and also to progress the client through rebabilitation of injuries. It also allows more challenging and dynamic exercises to be performed to athletic standards for those clients with good levels of strength and fitness.

I receive client referrals from Osteopaths, Chiropractors and Physiotherapists in North London, as I have a keen interest in managing back pain through lifestyle changes.

“On this machine you can climb mountains, stairs, and swim, all while you are lying down”

Joseph Pilates